Night In The Museum is one of my favourite films. As a child, I always believe that the exhibits in the museum can actually come alive in the nights...
So, now as an adult, I decide to make this into a game, in which I can explore the museum in the night, finding some unexpected magical things...

For the game's initial interface, I use the pixel design to fit in with the overall aesthetics. Also, I use the red and blue pill design in Matrix to give the players two options: press Red Button to enter the game and start the advanture, press Blue Button to give up and leave the game...

Everything is static by default at the beginning, and only the unintentional touch can trigger a fatal killing...

Also, there are some special, unexpected props on the way to collect the gems:
skull for protection, butterfly frame for wings to fly,
double-headed baby specimen for growing another head and be confused with direction,
normal one-headed baby specimen for going back to normal...

Once all the gems are collected and you are still alive, you win the game!!!